Reclaim trust in yourself
Recover, strengthen, and expand the wisdom you already hold for a life beyond your dreams
Gain clarity on your path
Discover what lights you up (your super power) and how you can create more healing and joy in your life
Create your life beyond recovery
Create manageable and measurable recovery practices for your growth and expansion
Build the self-trust and confidence to expand and create a life beyond your dreams.

Do you feel stuck?
Stuck on how to take that next step on your journey? Stuck on how to fill your time and space now that you’re headed in a new direction. Are you stuck on how to even start?
I was there eight years ago, with little knowledge on where to begin and even less knowledge on trusting myself to make the right choices for me. Today I know with certainty that if I could get to a place of intentionally building a life in recovery beyond what I ever thought possible for myself…it's absolutely possible for you too.

Here’s how I can help you

I have gained the belief that I can move forward and create my life as me and not how I think others think I should be.
I was worried when my recovery changed direction that no one would like me anymore. What I discovered in Expand Beyond Recovery is that people like me MORE now that I am being and living as my authentic self. Payton helped me trust my own path and recovery…plus her energy is amazing to work with.
– Tami D, Entrepreneur & Business Owner

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